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I am a book editor, an editing teacher, a writer, and a reader—in essence, my days revolve around words. In my more than twenty years of working with writers, I've never gotten tired of my job. I'm grateful for the relationships and partnerships I've developed with my clients, some of whom I've worked with for decades. And I'm always excited to embark on projects with new writers, who never fail to teach me something about this work I love.


I spent my early career editing books at small presses in Chicago in the late 1990s and started freelancing full-time as Heidi Hill Editorial in 2003. Since then, I've edited a wide range of writings: nonfiction manuscripts, magazine articles, anthologies, academic papers, marketing materials, web content, and blogs.

In 2017, I began teaching interdisciplinary courses in the MFA Writing Program at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Working with emerging editors and with writers who want to become better editors of their own work has become a passion of mine. I teach courses on copyediting and writing book proposals at Lesley, along with workshops in editing and revising in Atlanta, Georgia, where I live.


If you are looking for an editor for your project, please visit the My Work section to learn more about the services I provide. I look forward to hearing from you!